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Sunday, November 28, 2010

one of those days...

OMGoodness these kids know my buttons and which one's to press!

Lukey has been awake since 7.30am and would not settle until eventually 11.30am (after much screaming/yelling from both of us)

Maxi has been a little **** all morning, so every time I tell him to be quiet he screams at me, and the "special spot" is just not working today...on top of that just when lukey falls asleep the little **** goes and wacks him on the head and screams in his he got in big big trouble! (and yes, a smack was involved)

and then Jack, hmmm, what can I say....Stirrer and tormentor or what!! oh and the lying and hurting Maxi! again, time out and eventually a smack occurred (that was for twisting Maxi up in some rope and hurting him, then lying to mummy about it)....

I am just not in the mood for the crap today and they were especially Toxic this morning!!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

For crying out loud, why oh why is dinner, bath & bed the worst part of the day???? I generally have 2 kids crying and 1 carrying on like a pork chop!!!

tonight it's just the baby that has decided that nothing is right with his world and the screaming/crying is totally doing my head in! he calms down then sees me and he's off again! I have only 2 arms, so it's not always possible to console the baby and sort the other 2 out...*sigh* arggghhhhh!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Just got up at 8.30am!! so good morning!!

Had a bit of a meltdown last night, over stupid stuff (Mike decided to cook a cake, but then proceeded to not follow the recipe with ingredients or method and wondered why it tasted like pooo, ow hard is it??? I swear it only had about 5 ingredients in it!!!)

anyway, today is my day! I am going out with just Lukey and he is looking after the other 2....thus the sleep in with little lukey-man...

My night - boys in bed 6.30pm....(thank heavens for their sake)
Maxi restless a few times, made Mike deal with him....
Lukey woke 1.30pm, I sort of dozed/fed him till 3am, oppps....
Maxi woke 5am, I chucked him back into bed with half bottle milk, Jack woke, told him to go back to sleep...
Went back to bed....Mike bought Lukey in at some point, fed baby, both fell asleep, Mike got up with the kids....I slept in!!

Mike is now off trying to buy a lawnmower, but suprise, the local bunnings don't have the one he wants, so he just rang to see if it's ok to go a bit further to get it....fine whatever, I have only yelled at Jack once in the last half hour....sure they will survive....then when Mike eventually comes back home, Lukey and I are off!!

no set destination, but am thinking a movie/munchies/shopping/hairdresser/pedicure??? mmm decisions on a sunday! 1 or more of those things would be nice... now to consume coffeee!! oh and Gloria Jeans for a caramel latte is a must!!!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

ok,he just came and gave me a picture he drew me and a big boy cuddle!!!!!!!!! awwww, ok, so he may survive if he does more of that, lol
ok, my oldest is starting to do my head in this morning!!! He likes to "shoot" things with his "canon" (the stick off a balloon) and the noise is not something i am up for this morning, or anytime for that matter, there is something disturbing to me about my nearly 4yr old making shooting sounds in the first place, and I grew up with guns/shooting as a normal thing! anyway, this is also not ideal when trying to settle 1 sleepy I gave up trying to feed Lukey back to sleep and just put him in his cot, wrapped and wide awake....10 mins ago and not so much as a peep (I had to check the monitor was still working after I dropped it in the kitchen a moment ago, it was that or throw something as Jack makes me so cross some days when he just won't listen to me and now I am too scared to check if Lukey is awake or asleep!!! lol...I don't actually mind if he is awake as he's happy, but he was showing tired signs so am hoping he has just self settled and that I can do this more often!!...

So to stop me from wanting to sell Jack on Ebay, I booted them both outside, but it's fricken freezzzing (there is still white frost on the grass), so I have made them come back inside as the heater is cranking! and have resorted to mr TV babysitter and a nice hot cuppa!

on a good note, Lukey slept from 6.15pm last night until 2am....8hrs straight! he is really getting the hang of this sleep thing...on a down side, my boobie was back to porn star rockin' and omgoodness it was a relief when he did wake and feed off it! and then he woke at 5am, but I just brang him into my bed and got half an hour more sleep before hearing Maxi reading to himself in the lounge room...then jack woke at 6am (after sleeping the whole night in his own bed without any accidents or wakings at anytime that I know of)...

Here's hoping the day is good...and I really need to get new glasses as I think my headaches are eye strain related, which wouldn't suprise me at all!

Friday, August 13, 2010

I am such a baaaaad mummy! I didn't hear Lukey crying this morning at 5am....Mike had to poke me to wake me up as Lukey was starting to sound pretty upset, who knows how long I slept through the monitor!!!!

I got to bed around 10.30pm last night, to be woken by Jack at 11.30pm! Seriously I felt like I had slept for hourssss!...anyway, 1 wee-walk and a mouthful of milk later, he was back in bed! and so was I, bliss....well short lived...

Back away at (ok this is a bit fuzzy, it was either 12.30pm or 1.30pm or both)....but back to bed by 2am...after Jack needed some attention again...*note to self, at least he is sleeping all night in his own bed...repeat to self over and over again*

then the 5am I hot foot it to get Lukey, to find Maxi laying in the hallway onto of his wrap (wappy) wide awake!! what the hell??...anyway, I put him back to bed, closed the boys door, only to hear Jack yelling out not to shut the I get Lukey, feed him till he's nearly back to sleep and put him back to bed....then the big boys start carrying on and getting up and down which stirs luke up! so I get out at 5.20am and bring Lukey back to my bed to try and salvage a tiny bit more sleep...bad idea....Lukey fed and slept, but the other boys were tearing around the house by 6am...screaming/yelling and fighting over little bits of paper!!! arggghhhh...

So after dealing with the tantrums and chucking them both back to bed, I crawl back into my nice soft bed to have Mike tell me that Lukey needs to burp!! (what?, you can't burp him???) anyway, damn husband was right, bub burped then decided he wanted more food...then the other 2 boys came in...this was 6.45am...argghhh, what happened to my little men that didn't harass me till 7am at the earliest?? so up I go to get them breakfast and that's my sleep was nice while it lasted...and now me thinks I want another coffee as Lukey has just gone back to bed and the other 2 are watching ABCkids...

then I must get ready so we can meet up with Annie at the shops for some retail therapy for mummy and just to get out of the house!! (groceries soooo don't count as a decent outing) and it looks like a nice day after the rain and windy week we have just had...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thank goodness they are all asleep, yeah!!

I am now making them some yummy Chocolate Oat biscuits and some Peanut Butter cookies to make up for mummy being such a cow today...gotta love kids, they love you what ever sort of day you are having ! gotta love the bedtime cuddles, makes it all worthwhile
Oh my goodness my head is goooing to explode!!!

For some reason Jack just pushes my cranky button and makes me see red!! and it's not like his being bad/naughty or anything, just fricken annoying! He won't stop touching Lukey, if lukey is happily playing, Jack just has to stick his head in and crowd the baby till he cries...and the toys!!! I just set Lukey up in his bouncy with the portable hanging toys that clip onto it, he was happy and trying to whack the toys, so Jack comes along and wallah! the toys have fallen off and baby is about to cry.....again.....for the 10th time today just because of Jack!! arggghhhhh!!!! Why oh why was I sooooo blessed????

It doesn't help when I have a throbbing headache and still have dinner to prepare! and oh my goodness, if I hear "I don't want to" 1 more time I am going to go psychotic on his ass!...(or the phrase "I'm Hunnnngrryyyyy"....then eat your damn lunch child!!!

I swear I am going to chuck his butt to pre-school soon, just so the kid survives me!

Mummy's photoshoot...

A windy, painful day in paradise!!

Oh my the boys are at it today!

It did not start well, I saw every hr from 1am roll on by, until 5am when my toddler decided he was "awakke"!! so of course, I put him back to bed, not a good idea it seems as he woke his big brother up and they went and played in the lounge room while I crawled back to bed, taking Lukey with me to doze a bit such luck!

I heard Maxi squeal, yell then cry as he and Jack came running in to get me, Maxi had put his hand on the heater glass! so off to put his hand under the cold tap until I could assess the damage! Luckily he will only have a small blister on the palm of his hand, it could have been so much worse..

Now Lukey has been napping quite well today, but he is about to go down for his 4th nap today, maybe growth spurt?

and Jack, my biggest "treasure of them all", he has tormented and teased Maxi as well as been rude/obnoxious/back chatty and just plain noisy! I have my 2nd headache in two days, and I totally am blaming the wind!!!

I have swept/washed/vacuumed the floors, 2 loads of washing, dishes, tidies the boys room, washed the bathroom floor and cleaned the toilet, and now would love a nanny nap!

I also need to think of new activities, we've done craft, toys, letters, tv, bubbles, running around outside and it's only 3pm...oh and boobied the baby and took + edited some photos of the boys :) and now I must cook dinner and maybe whip up a cake or some brownies!!!

oh and the exciting clothes need folding and putting away, this stuff never ennnnnnnds!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

hmm, 5am boys, not cool, at least mummy got to lay in bed till 6am listening to the whispering and playing, so not all bad! (although the 3 wake ups from 12 - 4 were not cool Lukey!!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crazy Cyclone Mumma strikes...

The boys were pretty good today, well as good as they can be on a wet, rainy day....

Lots of craft/ playdoh and cars were the choices of entertainment this morning...which was good, except that they started this around least they played quietly till around 6am when they came in to wake mummy, daddy and lukey up...*sigh*

so this afternoon they went outside and played in the rain/mud and got toootally sopping wet/cold and muddy! and totally cute...also Lukey was very clingy today, so lots of fun, at least I got stacks of cuddles :0)

so by 4pm I ran a bubble bath for the big boys and let them go crazy, lol...then it began! Maxi had a meltdown as he didn't want to get in the bath, then a meltdown he didn't want to get out! out we go and got him into his pj's (which he loooooves) then he wanted to go to bed! at 4.30pm...argghhh...

Jack got out and didn't want his pj's on...but wanted to go to bed, oh dear...the tears/tantrums and tribulations of a 2yr old and a nearly 4yr old, whilst cooking them dinner and trying to feed/passify the 8.5wk old....I only have 2 hands here kiddo's! (and Daddy was working late, so no help tonight)

anyway, we got through it, and the boys entertained themselves playing "pasta pirates"...who would have thought to try and have a sword fight with soggy spaghetti pasta?? so not impressed with the excess on the floor, but at least they ate their dinner and were not fighting for once!

so I bathed Lukey to the sounds of the big boys giggling uncontrollably, which was a change...

so the minute Lukey is washed and dressed, he wants to go to bed! but that means I have to try and juggle the other 2/ milk/ story time and feed bub...mmm, somethings got to give...

so boys in bed, Lukey wrapped and ready for nigh nighs...then the toddler decides to get out of bed and play....after the 3rd time, cyclone mumma arrived...and lets just say there was no more carrying on after!

I just got Lukey sound asleep and the other 2 quietly staying in bed in their room and Mike arrives home!!! I swear he has this place bugged...doesn't matter what time of night I put them to bed, he arrives the minute they are

anyway, all boys sound asleep by 6.45pm! woot woot...and mummy needs a valium, lol.

Luke's Birth Story - 11th June 2010

Thursday night (10th June 2010, 6 days overdue) while cooking dinner, I felt a "gush" at 5.15pm, ok that was interesting, lol...told DH to take over the cooking for a second as my water had broken and I would be right back, lol, he took it pretty well!....

so I came back after changing my pants/pad and we ate dinner....had another little gush, but then thought maybe I had incontinence!!! epppp, the liquid was clear...finished dinner and then took some time in my recliner to think about whether this was it or not?? hahahaa...and DH gave the boys a bath and got them ready for bed just incase...(we had been waiting for something to happen for a week, so were a bit cautious this was just another blip)

Then I had a huge gush, (which I couldn't control, so decided I didn't have incontinence after all, lol)....decided to ring the hospital and see what they had to say....due to me being GBS positive and 1 wk overdue, they told me to come straight in to be hooked up to the anti-biotic's and at last something was happening!!!!

So after assessing that my girlfriend wouldn't arrive for an hour to stay with the kids (as she had to get home from work first), I rang my mum who was visiting my grandad around the corner and she waited with the boys till my girlfriend arrived...

We put the boys to bed and they both were not pleased that I was going after we explained what was happening....Jack decided he did NOT want "blobby out" and cried so much it was hard for me to leave happily....*sigh*....however it seems he went straight to sleep not long after I left...

so the trip to the hospital was fun this time, we couldn't help but laugh all the way as the last 2 trips were so painful and rushed...

Arrived at the hospital, wandered up to the birthing suites and was settled into a Delivery suite, hooked up to anti-biotic's every 4hrs....changed my pad and the fluid was now pale pink, so they asserted my membranes had broken and yes something was happening....mmmm, slowwwwwly!!!!

So after being hooked up to the monitor, everything with bub was fine and I was fine...everything was just fine! but NOTHING was happening...hahahahaha

so DH was told to go home and rest (we live about 40mins from the hospital) so at 10.30pm he left, and I was told to rest up and I would be induced in the morning around 6.30am...

at 11.30pm the contractions started....10mins apart, regular and 2.30am they were around 7min apart, so the nurse got me to ring DH and tell him, so he came back in around 3.30am....and then they just continued at 10mins apart till 7am...I sort of dozed in between much as you can anyway...they checked and I was a whole 3cm dilated...

at 7am they hooked me up to the drip for my induction..yay....and nothing! my "contractions" stopped....I seriously felt like I was just wasting everyone's time, this bub did NOT want to come out...

9.30am I started getting some decent contractions (which I later decided was rubbish, lol) anyway, I breathed through them while sitting on a fit ball and leaning on a mountain of pillows at the side of the bed (with monitors on my tummy for bub and contractions) it was my "happy place" and I breathed through the contractions quietly...even chatting and laughing with DH in between them...then 10.30am arrived and OMGoodness, stuff breathing through the bloody contractions, they hurt like hell and were 3mins apart!!!

Then I decided I could not sit on that ball any longer, so up on the bed, kneeling like I did with my 2nd was horrible, I wanted to go home, I was crying my heart out and the contractions just kept coming...but to close together, so at 11.30am, they stopped the drip...and after being checked I was still only 5cm dilated...argghhh!!!! I really thought it would be hours of more of the same....

Then the pain in my back got worse and they realised bub was spine against my spine, which was not a nice thing to onto my side with my leg up, oh the dignity was out the door by then, and the pain at least shifted from my back to my front, but felt like I was being ripped apart....then I had to push....I don't know how, but it went from just 3 of us in the room to about 8! lol...and that was too many!! my lovely middy had told me what I would be doing with my leg (me holding it up etc) but the other people didn't get the memo, so when she told me to lift my leg, another stupid middy grabbed the wrong leg and tried to lift it and the pain was excruciating!! luckily my nice middy yelled at her to back away! lol

and then there was a head!...yay, 1 step closer....

by then I requested DH to go start taking pics as I soooo was never doing this again and wanted something graphic to remind me of that!! lol...

getting the body out was not pleasant but I listened to my middy and he was out, and I ended up with only a tiny little tear!!! YIPPEEE!!! only 2 stitches and a little graze!! the best so far out of my "war wounds" from labour...

Luke James arrived 12.25pm 11th June @ 41wks....7lb 15oz (3.6kg), HC 36.5, Length 52cm.

So glad its over, now to enjoy little Luke xxxx

Max's Birth Story - 29th July 2008

Quick run down of birth:
  • Tuesday last week, got up with plans to go to playgroup then my middie appointment...
  • 10am left for playgroup, had very mild BH pains, but thought nothing of it as I have been having them since 20wks..
  • at playgroup they came and went all over the place but still very mild...
  • Drove home at 12pm to put Jack down for a nap...whilst doing this, BH contractions kicked up a notch...mmmm...starting to think might be the start of something at last...
  • Phone rang so decided to stop trying to put Jack down for his nap and answered it...was my g/friend...(she was at playgroup and knew about the pains)...she came over to keep me company as DH was in sydney for work and about 1-2hrs away.
  • Rang hospital and DH to inform them that contractions were 7mins apart and whether I should go to my 1.45pm middie appointment...Hospital said my g/friend packed up me and my son and we dropped him off with her hubby and went to my appointment (DH worked out he would arrive at the same time and either keep going to hospy or bring me home)
  • Arrived at clinic at 1.50pm, saw dr by 2pm, contractions 4mins apart, they told me to hot foot it to hospital asap...
  • Met DH in carpart about 5mins later, and all I could say was I didn't want to give birth in the carpark or his car...hahahaha
  • We got to the hospital by about 2.40pm and I really thought I was going to have this kid in the car for the time I got to the birthing Centre, they ran the spa bath, Max had arrived!!!
  • My water broke at the same time as he came flying out onto the about a rush and explosion at 3.21pm!!
  • So then we had the probs with loss of 1.3lts of blood, and a small 2nd degree tear...I won't go into much more detail as it was all a bit messy and painful, but was feeling not bad by 5.30pm to ring my family and let them know as noone but my g/friend new about it...
  • I stayed for 6days in hospital and enjoyed the peace and quiet...but couldn't wait to leave yesterday and be home in my own bed...

Jack's Birth Story...14th Septermber 2006

Due to bub being overdue, I had a Strip and stretch done on tuesday 12th Sept 06... not the most comfortable internal but was the nicer option than induction... was booked in thursday for Gel and then Friday for induction but Jack decided to come along by himself...

thursday morning 1.50am... woke with a bit of an ache... by 2.15pm was having contractions (and I thought these were uncomfortable..hahahahaha got to be kidding myself) Husband decided to feed me an early breakfast to boost my energy levels...he really took notice at all the baby training after all... stayed in the bath until about 3.30pm when contractions got to 3 in 10 mins... rang the hospital and got ready to leave...

From the Hospital carpark to the birth centre had 3 contractions... making walking progress hard..

once in the birth centre room basically just walked around and had frequent contractions while my husband tried to rest...(as he new that it may be a long while to go..) I think I was more focused on how he was doing...hahahaha..

I seem to lose track of time really there was no windows in the room I thought night was day etc...

Hopped into the birthing tub (as we wanted a water birth) and that while not helping make the contractions any easier, did relax me in between them... I never thought how hard labour would be and eventually broke down, crying continuosly that there was no way I could do this any more...because I was in the water, my contractions slowed down...which sucked.. so out I got to walk around some more and bam, they were coming a million miles an hour...

After the midwife checked my cervix only to find it was still at 7cm... but during the exam i threw up everywhere and seem to get to 8cm quickly...

Went to have a shower, my waters broke...9cm dialated...

However bubby, due to being overdue by 10 days had pooed inside and they decided the water birth was no longer safe...

next I was hooked up to monitors, had a canular inserted, drip inserted and trying to push my heart out... MAN that HURTS!!!

By then his head was 2cm from the exit, but not moving fast enough, so out came the birthing stool...OMG>.. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... gravity does work... Just after 3pm his head was able to be seen...and I was crying (again) wanting to stop and go home...

Then we moved up onto the bed (due to all the monitors etc... this was the only way possible) so with legs beautifully in the air (very pretty I must say but at the time I didn't care, I just wanted it over) I was again pushing my heart out... I think I had 3 midwives, 1 doctor, and 2 baby doctors watching (including my husband holding one leg)

So, into the ring of fire I went, screaming blue murder...around 4pm I was asking my husband if I should maybe try the gas... however the midwife said due to Jacks head being pretty much out, it wouldn't help me now...then he came out with a few more painful pushes and Just like that it was all over... the pain was gone and I had the cutest little blue boy...

He turned out to be fine and I then had 2 hours of being stitched up due to his big head circumfrance... (I did however suck a lot of gas during this proceedure...hahahahaha... wish I had used that when he was crowning... might have made it much more enjoyable...if that is at all possible)

so from start to finish 14.5 hours of pure pain, helll and utlimately JOY!

but looking back now, i would do it all again to have my little precious Jack... such a cutie and what a personallity...

He is now sleeping in blocks of 3 hours, so I am getting more sleep, which makes it all so much better....

That's my story and I am truely grateful it is over...

about me...

My Husband and I met in High School, I was 14 at the time and I thought he was really cute! We didn't date until I was nearly 16, but have been friends/together now for 22yrs!

We got married 6yrs ago this September and now have the honour of bringing up 3 gorgeous little "treasures".... our boys are a constant joy and can also drive us insane at the same time!

Jack will be 4 in September and has been a full on bundle of joy from the moment he was born...

Max just turned 2 at the end of last month and is a little loner, but a very cheeky one at that! such a little monkey I never knew could exist, he can quite easily wrap me around his little finger just by flashing his dimples at me!

and our last little precious one is Luke...8.5wks old today! and is starting to smile/goo/gurgle at us all and has the boys fascinated and My husband and I besotted!

I get asked all the time whether I wish I had had a girl or whether I am going to try for one, but to be honest, I would never part with my troop of little men and can not really envision life without them...(and this way they all have to spoil mummy as I am the only girl in the family, lol)

I hope you enjoy my blog and come back frequently...I plan on just documenting all the good/bad/ugly things that happen from day to day on my journey to becoming the mum I would like to be!

:0) Mez