ok, my oldest is starting to do my head in this morning!!! He likes to "shoot" things with his "canon" (the stick off a balloon) and the noise is not something i am up for this morning, or anytime for that matter, there is something disturbing to me about my nearly 4yr old making shooting sounds in the first place, and I grew up with guns/shooting as a normal thing! anyway, this is also not ideal when trying to settle 1 sleepy baby....so I gave up trying to feed Lukey back to sleep and just put him in his cot, wrapped and wide awake....10 mins ago and not so much as a peep (I had to check the monitor was still working after I dropped it in the kitchen a moment ago, it was that or throw something as Jack makes me so cross some days when he just won't listen to me and now I am too scared to check if Lukey is awake or asleep!!! lol...I don't actually mind if he is awake as he's happy, but he was showing tired signs so am hoping he has just self settled and that I can do this more often!!...
So to stop me from wanting to sell Jack on Ebay, I booted them both outside, but it's fricken freezzzing (there is still white frost on the grass), so I have made them come back inside as the heater is cranking! and have resorted to mr TV babysitter and a nice hot cuppa!
on a good note, Lukey slept from 6.15pm last night until 2am....8hrs straight! he is really getting the hang of this sleep thing...on a down side, my boobie was back to porn star rockin' and omgoodness it was a relief when he did wake and feed off it! and then he woke at 5am, but I just brang him into my bed and got half an hour more sleep before hearing Maxi reading to himself in the lounge room...then jack woke at 6am (after sleeping the whole night in his own bed without any accidents or wakings at anytime that I know of)...
Here's hoping the day is good...and I really need to get new glasses as I think my headaches are eye strain related, which wouldn't suprise me at all!
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