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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oh my goodness my head is goooing to explode!!!

For some reason Jack just pushes my cranky button and makes me see red!! and it's not like his being bad/naughty or anything, just fricken annoying! He won't stop touching Lukey, if lukey is happily playing, Jack just has to stick his head in and crowd the baby till he cries...and the toys!!! I just set Lukey up in his bouncy with the portable hanging toys that clip onto it, he was happy and trying to whack the toys, so Jack comes along and wallah! the toys have fallen off and baby is about to cry.....again.....for the 10th time today just because of Jack!! arggghhhhh!!!! Why oh why was I sooooo blessed????

It doesn't help when I have a throbbing headache and still have dinner to prepare! and oh my goodness, if I hear "I don't want to" 1 more time I am going to go psychotic on his ass!...(or the phrase "I'm Hunnnngrryyyyy"....then eat your damn lunch child!!!

I swear I am going to chuck his butt to pre-school soon, just so the kid survives me!

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