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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

about me...

My Husband and I met in High School, I was 14 at the time and I thought he was really cute! We didn't date until I was nearly 16, but have been friends/together now for 22yrs!

We got married 6yrs ago this September and now have the honour of bringing up 3 gorgeous little "treasures".... our boys are a constant joy and can also drive us insane at the same time!

Jack will be 4 in September and has been a full on bundle of joy from the moment he was born...

Max just turned 2 at the end of last month and is a little loner, but a very cheeky one at that! such a little monkey I never knew could exist, he can quite easily wrap me around his little finger just by flashing his dimples at me!

and our last little precious one is Luke...8.5wks old today! and is starting to smile/goo/gurgle at us all and has the boys fascinated and My husband and I besotted!

I get asked all the time whether I wish I had had a girl or whether I am going to try for one, but to be honest, I would never part with my troop of little men and can not really envision life without them...(and this way they all have to spoil mummy as I am the only girl in the family, lol)

I hope you enjoy my blog and come back frequently...I plan on just documenting all the good/bad/ugly things that happen from day to day on my journey to becoming the mum I would like to be!

:0) Mez

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