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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jack's Birth Story...14th Septermber 2006

Due to bub being overdue, I had a Strip and stretch done on tuesday 12th Sept 06... not the most comfortable internal but was the nicer option than induction... was booked in thursday for Gel and then Friday for induction but Jack decided to come along by himself...

thursday morning 1.50am... woke with a bit of an ache... by 2.15pm was having contractions (and I thought these were uncomfortable..hahahahaha got to be kidding myself) Husband decided to feed me an early breakfast to boost my energy levels...he really took notice at all the baby training after all... stayed in the bath until about 3.30pm when contractions got to 3 in 10 mins... rang the hospital and got ready to leave...

From the Hospital carpark to the birth centre had 3 contractions... making walking progress hard..

once in the birth centre room basically just walked around and had frequent contractions while my husband tried to rest...(as he new that it may be a long while to go..) I think I was more focused on how he was doing...hahahaha..

I seem to lose track of time really there was no windows in the room I thought night was day etc...

Hopped into the birthing tub (as we wanted a water birth) and that while not helping make the contractions any easier, did relax me in between them... I never thought how hard labour would be and eventually broke down, crying continuosly that there was no way I could do this any more...because I was in the water, my contractions slowed down...which sucked.. so out I got to walk around some more and bam, they were coming a million miles an hour...

After the midwife checked my cervix only to find it was still at 7cm... but during the exam i threw up everywhere and seem to get to 8cm quickly...

Went to have a shower, my waters broke...9cm dialated...

However bubby, due to being overdue by 10 days had pooed inside and they decided the water birth was no longer safe...

next I was hooked up to monitors, had a canular inserted, drip inserted and trying to push my heart out... MAN that HURTS!!!

By then his head was 2cm from the exit, but not moving fast enough, so out came the birthing stool...OMG>.. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW... gravity does work... Just after 3pm his head was able to be seen...and I was crying (again) wanting to stop and go home...

Then we moved up onto the bed (due to all the monitors etc... this was the only way possible) so with legs beautifully in the air (very pretty I must say but at the time I didn't care, I just wanted it over) I was again pushing my heart out... I think I had 3 midwives, 1 doctor, and 2 baby doctors watching (including my husband holding one leg)

So, into the ring of fire I went, screaming blue murder...around 4pm I was asking my husband if I should maybe try the gas... however the midwife said due to Jacks head being pretty much out, it wouldn't help me now...then he came out with a few more painful pushes and Just like that it was all over... the pain was gone and I had the cutest little blue boy...

He turned out to be fine and I then had 2 hours of being stitched up due to his big head circumfrance... (I did however suck a lot of gas during this proceedure...hahahahaha... wish I had used that when he was crowning... might have made it much more enjoyable...if that is at all possible)

so from start to finish 14.5 hours of pure pain, helll and utlimately JOY!

but looking back now, i would do it all again to have my little precious Jack... such a cutie and what a personallity...

He is now sleeping in blocks of 3 hours, so I am getting more sleep, which makes it all so much better....

That's my story and I am truely grateful it is over...

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