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Thursday, August 12, 2010

A windy, painful day in paradise!!

Oh my the boys are at it today!

It did not start well, I saw every hr from 1am roll on by, until 5am when my toddler decided he was "awakke"!! so of course, I put him back to bed, not a good idea it seems as he woke his big brother up and they went and played in the lounge room while I crawled back to bed, taking Lukey with me to doze a bit such luck!

I heard Maxi squeal, yell then cry as he and Jack came running in to get me, Maxi had put his hand on the heater glass! so off to put his hand under the cold tap until I could assess the damage! Luckily he will only have a small blister on the palm of his hand, it could have been so much worse..

Now Lukey has been napping quite well today, but he is about to go down for his 4th nap today, maybe growth spurt?

and Jack, my biggest "treasure of them all", he has tormented and teased Maxi as well as been rude/obnoxious/back chatty and just plain noisy! I have my 2nd headache in two days, and I totally am blaming the wind!!!

I have swept/washed/vacuumed the floors, 2 loads of washing, dishes, tidies the boys room, washed the bathroom floor and cleaned the toilet, and now would love a nanny nap!

I also need to think of new activities, we've done craft, toys, letters, tv, bubbles, running around outside and it's only 3pm...oh and boobied the baby and took + edited some photos of the boys :) and now I must cook dinner and maybe whip up a cake or some brownies!!!

oh and the exciting clothes need folding and putting away, this stuff never ennnnnnnds!!!

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