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Sunday, November 28, 2010

one of those days...

OMGoodness these kids know my buttons and which one's to press!

Lukey has been awake since 7.30am and would not settle until eventually 11.30am (after much screaming/yelling from both of us)

Maxi has been a little **** all morning, so every time I tell him to be quiet he screams at me, and the "special spot" is just not working today...on top of that just when lukey falls asleep the little **** goes and wacks him on the head and screams in his he got in big big trouble! (and yes, a smack was involved)

and then Jack, hmmm, what can I say....Stirrer and tormentor or what!! oh and the lying and hurting Maxi! again, time out and eventually a smack occurred (that was for twisting Maxi up in some rope and hurting him, then lying to mummy about it)....

I am just not in the mood for the crap today and they were especially Toxic this morning!!!!!

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